We recently had a round of the sickies go through our house. First, Sawyer started vomiting. Then it hit Brigham. And last, Landon got it. With low-grade fevers and a quick recovery, I am thankful we were able to manage it at home.
It’s always disheartening to see your children sick. We can feel so helpless when they are in pain and we can’t take it away with the snap of our fingers! The only thing we can do is try to comfort them as best we can. And provide hugs. Lots and lots of hugs!
One of the ways we comfort our children when they can’t keep anything down is homemade Pedialyte popsicles. You can easily make these at home by using Pedialyte and fruit juice in an ice cube tray!
- 12 oz of pedialyte
- 4 oz your choice of fruit juice (we use grape)
- Freeze in an ice cube tray with a toothpick in the middle.

But then there are times when the sickness is bad enough you need help. I always hate the realization that we need to head to the doctors but I’m thankful we have such amazing resources near us. There have been plenty of times we’ve needed Children’s Mercy Urgent Care Services due to the flu.
So how do you know when you need to seek treatment? What’s the difference between a cold and the flu?
- Colds often build up over several days. If your child is fine one day and exhausted the next it’s probably the flu.
- Colds can cause a low-grade fever. If your child has a fever above 101 degrees it’s probably the flu.
- Colds cause congestion including runny noses and a wet-sounding cough. The flu can cause a hacking, dry-sounding cough so if there’s congestion it’s probably not the flu.
This winter, as many as 20 percent of Americans will get the flu. Your first line of defense is to Children’s Mercy Urgent Care Services, even if it’s late in the season!
I am proud to be a part of the Children’s Mercy Hospital Mom Blogger team. Read more posts by #CMHmoms on our webpage.
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