Something scary happened on Wednesday. I went to the bathroom, which I do every 10 minutes it seems, only this time there was blood. I was at work so I tried to stay calm but everything in my brain was screaming “OH MY GOD, NO!” I called Naaman who told me to call the doctor. The doctor was very nice and squeezed me in for an emergency ultrasound that same hour. Naaman rushed to get me from work and we headed in. I was so worried and nervous.
The ultrasound tech was the same one we had the first time. The second she put the device on my tummy we saw our baby’s head. Then the body and cute little tummy, then the amazing spine! Everything seemed to be fine with the baby as it moved a mile a minute doing summersaults and twists and turns. The baby even sucked their thumb! It was amazing. She wouldn’t check for the gender, even though I know you can sometimes tell this early. But I wasn’t that bummed about it because I just wanted our baby to be okay.
Apparently, a previa usually remedies itself by the 3rd trimester. Only 10% of women with placenta previa have it stay in the wrong position later on in pregnancy. I’m hoping that everything will be fine.
I stared at the ultrasound pictures for hours that night. The baby’s profile looks like Naaman, I’m certain of it. The baby is beautiful already. I think we have some good genes : ) Now I just keep thinking March 20th, March 20th, March 20th! Where are you March 20th?

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